Contact: Mary Siefke, Business Office
m.siefke@st-raymond.org | 847-253-8600 x 135
Thank you for your continued support and generosity to St. Raymond Parish. During this time of social distancing, while we cannot gather for mass or ministries, we will continue to accept contributions at the Parish Office. Envelopes can be dropped in the mail slot to the left of door #4 at 301 S I-Oka, Mt Prospect, IL 60056 or sent through the mail.
Electronic Giving St. Raymond Parish is pleased to offer several options for electronic giving. These options are available for both regular weekly/monthly contributions and one-time donations. This is a wonderful way to insure that you are giving consistently to the financial support of the parish.
Direct Debit
This option is a direct debit from your bank account initiated through the parish bank. These payments are set up and managed by the parish business office. The debits are processed on the 1st or the 15th of each month and there are no processing fees charged to the parish. Please email Mary Siefke at m.siefke@st-raymond.org to setup a phone call if you would like set up this method of contributions. You will need to provide your bank name, routing number and account number. To ensure your financial security, please DO NOT send information via email.
Give Central
This option is an online giving site for parishes within the Archdiocese of Chicago, available for your weekly/monthly giving or a one-time donation using a credit card or direct debit. Payments can be charged or debited to your account on a specific date and frequency chosen. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Please visit GiveCentral.org to set up your direct debit or credit card contributions. If you would like the parish business office to set up your account for you please email Mary Siefke at
m.siefke@st-raymond.org to setup a phone call.
If you would prefer to complete a paper form that can be printed at home and dropped off at the parish office for either of the above options, please click here to download form.
If you have any questions or need assistance please call the Parish Office at 847-253-8600. We will return your call as soon as possible.
St. Raymond Parish offers both weekly and monthly envelopes for cash/check contributions that are mailed quarterly to your home, if requested. In addition, these packets offer envelopes for the Archdiocese of Chicago second collections. Please let the parish office know if you need to make changes.