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Men’s CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish)

Christ Renews His Parish is a weekend renewal experience for men that begins on a Saturday morning and concludes on Sunday afternoon.  It offers men the opportunity to hear other men share their faith and life experiences, to pray, reflect and enjoy the brotherhood of other men.  Forget your past notions, ideas or images of a retreat!  It’s not like that!  The time together highlights how God is at work in men’s lives  —  through their struggles, joys and triumphs.  Hundreds of men have experienced these special weekends since 1981.  Ages of the participants range from men in their 20’s to their 80’s.

Following the CRHP weekend, an invitation is extended to be part of a year-long formation process.  This process includes reflection on topics such as: images of God, spirituality, scripture, church, prayer, reconciliation, peace and justice.  At the conclusion of the formation process, this group of men will direct the next renewal weekend.  If you’re new to the parish, or have been inactive, it’s a great way of meeting people and becoming involved.  If you’ve been active in the parish for years, it’s a wonderful way of refocusing your efforts and re-energizing your own faith journey.

Chuck Hemler
847-427-1472 /


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4th of July Mass

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Thu Jul 04, 9:00 am - 9:30 am -

Scuba VBS - Vacation Bible School week

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Mon Jul 08, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm -