Women of St. Raymond
WOSR was organized in 1982. The primary purpose is for the social welfare and the spiritual interests of its members and to further the service interest and needs of the Parish.
We sponsor many projects and groups: Prayer Shawl Ministry, arm pillows for heart and cancer patients, and the weekly altar linen care.
WOSR meets monthly, starting in September through June. A variety of speakers as well as group trips and crafting nights are scheduled throughout the year.
To service the needs of the greater community, WOSR sponsors different charities each month, such as BackPack Ministry, Catholic Charities (toys collection), VBS (vacation bible school), and WINGS.
Tish Chapman | tishchapman4@yahoo.com

4-1-25 Tuesday Soup Luncheon & Speaker Leslie Goddard 11:30 am in the Parish Community Room
Charity of the month: Sapaterre Mission (Haiti)
5-6-25 Tuesday Pabst Mansion Tour and Lunch at Mader’s ($$) flyer 9 am departure
Charity of the month: St Raymond VBS (Vacation Bible School)
6-3-25 Tuesday Bunco 7 pm in the Parish Community Room
Charity of the month: Viator House of Hospitality
3-4-25 Tuesday Cupcake Demo 7 pm in the Parish Community Room
Charity of the month: Mt Prospect Kids Pantry
02-05-25 Beautiful, the play is about and includes the music of Carol King.
Charity of the month: Journeys (PADs dinner)
12-3-24 Tuesday Christmas Party @ Manzos ($$) 6 pm collecting Toys and gift cards for Catholic Charities
Charity of the month: Catholic Charities toy drive — Collection Nov 30th 1-3 pm
11-10-24 Sunday Mass of Remembrance & Lunch 11 am Mass in the Church with lunch in the Community Room
Charity of the month: WINGS
10-1-24 Tuesday Breast Cancer Pillows 1 pm in the Parish Community Room
Charity of the month: St Raymond Backpack Ministry
9-3-24 Tuesday Welcome Back Bingo/White Elephant 7 pm in the Parish Community Room
Charity of the month: Mount Prospect Human Services (MPHS) to Benefit the Victims of Fire Tragedies