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Who We Are
Men of St. Raymond (aka RayMen) is a ministry designed to provide social, service, and spiritual opportunities for men over 21. Men of all ages have found this to be a great way to make new friendships, deepen their faith, and develop a sense of community.
What We Do
In addition to regular monthly meetings typically held on the third Thursday of each month except during the summer, the MOSR ministry organizes and supports a variety of activities and events throughout the year with three major themes:
- Social functions: This includes in-person sports activities, TV watch-party sporting events, a friendly golf outing, a ‘Bags and Brews’ tournament, cookouts and barbecues, and evenings of cards and dice;
- Service activities: often assist with parish events like Vacation Bible School, Monster Mash, and Breakfast with Santa as well as larger community-wide programs like Feed My Starving Children; and
- Spiritual formation: for men to delve deeper into their faith through other men’s ministries offering retreats with Men’s Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP), speakers through Mornings for Men, and scripture discussions/prayer with Sunrise Scripture Group and Men of Action and Contemplation (MAC) groups. We also enjoy attending and assisting with parish-wide Advent or Lenten events.