“Each encounter with Jesus fills us with joy, with that deep joy which only God can give.” Pope Francis
Our 2024-2025 religious education program has limited space for students. Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about the registration process.
Faith Formation Contacts
Sharon Moeykens, Director of Lifelong Faith Formation
Patrick McGarry, Confirmation and Youth Ministry Coordinator
Elizabeth Theiss, Faith Formation Assistant
Children’s Faith Formation
Welcome to St. Raymond Religious Education! We are excited to be a part of your family’s faith journey. Supporting parents in their role as their child’s first educators of our Catholic faith is an essential component of our Faith Formation program. The team is here to encourage and equip parents/guardians as you model our faith and nurture your child(ren)’s spiritual growth in your homes.
By participating in Religious Education, your family shares in our Parish Mission of REJOICING IN GOD’S LOVE FOR US and SHARING GOD’S LOVE WITH ALL. Our mission is realized by collaborating with the parish staff and catechists to build a community of families actively participating in formation lessons (in-person or home study), Family Faith & Service opportunities, and weekly Mass. Together, we walk with your child(ren) as they form a relationship with Jesus, know His love for them, and help them to share His love with others.
We rely on parental involvement to help make our program successful. We strongly recommend that students participate in religious education every year to receive a more well-rounded formation in our Catholic Faith.
Confirmation is a consecutive two-year preparation program, typically starting in 7th grade. Over the two years, the youth are accompanied on their faith journey to connect the core teachings of the Catholic faith to their daily lives and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Making relevant connections that bring their faith to life equips them to be lifelong Catholics.
St. Raymond Religious Education desires to bring our faith to all students. We strive to offer access to our faith formation program for individuals and families with special needs. This includes adaptive programming and inclusion to prepare children who need accommodations for the Sacraments. Please reach out to Sharon Moeykens, Director of Children’s Faith Formation, to discuss your child’s specific needs.
What To Expect
To help foster a strong faith foundation, we offer monthly Family Faith Nights, including service opportunities.
Volunteer Opportunity
Do you feel called to serve as a classroom catechist? All catechists will receive free tuition, training, and ongoing support in the classroom. If you are unsure where you would like to volunteer, let us help you find your “fit”! We are excited to welcome you as part of the team! Please reach out to Sharon Moeykens or Elizabeth Theiss for more information.
We use the St. Mary’s Press parish curriculum for all grades. Our curriculum and catechists focus on scripture and engaging activities that deepen the connection to our Church teachings and living out the faith as a family.
Grades 1 and 3-5: Discover! Finding Faith in Life
Grade 2: Go, Seek, Find: Discover God’s Treasures sacramental preparation material
Grades 6-8: Connect! Bringing Faith to Life