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Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word brings the Good News to children through prayer, song, and activities. This ministry leads a child-centered celebration of the Liturgy of the Word for children ages five and up. It allows children to discuss and experience the gospel in an age-appropriate, smaller group setting to help them apply it to their daily lives.  Our ministry typically runs from September through May on select Sundays at 8:30 am Mass.  Adults are invited to volunteer as prayer leaders. We offer guides and resources to help you prepare to lead CLOW

Contact:  Christine Barr
(847) 506 – 9851  or text  to (630) 306 – 3905
or leave a message at the Parish Ministry Center (847)253-8600

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Ministry Schedule Contacts

Liturgical schedules are written 6 weeks prior to the first day.  Contact your ministry scheduler early!!!


Lectors: Tim McDermott

Eucharistic Minister: Janet Nuccio

Altar Server:

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