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Women’s Small Groups 

St. Raymond parish offers three women’s small group ministries that inspire, support, and equip women to live in God’s purpose. Please join any small group to connect with others, build your faith, and deepen your relationship with Jesus, strengthening us for our mission in the world and sharing God’s love with all that we encounter.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20)


Faith-Sharing Groups

We are a community of Catholics committed to fostering friendship, offering prayer and support for each other, and building a deeper relationship with Christ through bible studies. This ministry is open to those aged 21 and up, and our group leaders represent various ages and stages of life. Don’t let the words bible study scare you off – no experience necessary! No prior preparation is needed to participate in the sessions! The facilitators are parishioners, like yourselves, looking to connect and grow with others and Christ – together, sharing our lives and faith journey. 

Small Group Meetings
Small groups will meet monthly from November to May and run roughly 90 minutes to 2 hours. Groups will remain small, 8-10 women, to offer ample time for fellowship and scripture discussion. It will be up to the group leaders to determine where the meetings will take place; options include in-home or on the St. Raymond Campus. There are different meeting days/times to fit your schedule, or you can create a new group. 

We will use Believe: Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures,  which focuses on passages when Jesus changed people’s lives. The questions are designed to spark discussion and allow each person to consider how the story applies to his or her life. Weekly spiritual exercises between sessions help participants meet Christ in prayer and the sacraments. For those of you who have done some of our previous studies, this book is similar to our first two, Amazed and Afraid and Signs and Wonders. 

Please register to be placed in a group.  Registration is open, and the cost is  $20.


Contact: Sharon Moeykens
847-253-860 x164 |


Moms Providing Love, Understanding, and Support is a women’s ministry at St. Raymond Parish that fosters friendship through all stages of motherhood.  As we lean into one another, we build a community focused on our Catholic faith identity and how to bring that into our family every day.  “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.” (Philippians 4:13)


Women of all ages and stages of life are welcome. We encourage moms to bring their young children. Join us in the Community Room at 8:15 a.m.

Contact: Erin Brendemuhl, Emily Bridges, or Kristin Schleich



Spirituality Circles (“Come to the Well”)

In John’s Gospel, Jesus has a conversation with a Samaritan woman at a well.  Through their mutual sharing, she comes to recognize the life-giving presence of Jesus in her own life.  She experiences Jesus as “living water.”  As women, we too, know the life-giving power of mutual sharing, support, and dialogue.  We, too, reflect on our lives and recognize our own God-quest.  In the very “stuff” of our lives, we experience both the nurturing presence and the challenge of God’s Holy Spirit. Women’s Spirituality Circles are small groups of 12-18 women who gather once a month to nourish, reflect upon and share their own spiritual lives.  A resource book is used, which enables the women to come to a deeper understanding of themselves and their own unique spirituality.  Through reading, discussion, and prayerful reflection, the women experience a deeper prayer life and the invitation to share their gifts in service to God’s people.  They gather strength, insight, and a sense of gratitude from one another.  Each group has a facilitator whom we train.
Contact: Kathy Hemler
847-427-1472 |